Friday, December 2, 2011


The feeling of defeat really stinks! Riding a wave of wins and being undefeated was the life! O wait back to reality we are able to loose... Practice all of a sudden is more running drills, longer conditioning periods of time, and no one on the team wants to relive last night again. Our next games are Taylorsville and Roy two very tough physical teams and we are ready to take it to them and win! No holding anything back in these games we are better than them and will show it on the court on Tuesday and Thursday! We all need to have the mind set of its not the name on the back of the jersey or the number but the name on the front! DAVIS that should be who we are playing for not for us not for who has worn our numbers before us but DAVIS HIGH! Every team needs to be humbled once in a while and this was our one and only time for this kind of a defeat. Play every play like its you last and who knows it just might be.

Jordan Pendleton was an amazing example of this, he played every down like it was his last and one day it was. Not from an injury on the field in front of thousands of fans like many football players will do for a carrer ending injury but in practice and just playing through it for 2 or 3 weeks then finally having to surrender to this injury! He played every down like it was his last all 4 years he played for BYU! If you be like Jordan you will find success even if its not how you think it might be that you are a good defencive player or a good shooter or a good person for mismatches but you need to help out where ever!